Blue Mountains News

Prepare a Plan B to get home safely this holiday season and go in the draw to win a swag

By Blue Mountains City Council
Archived 14 Feb 2024 - Posted: 16 Dec 2023
Katoomba Family Hotel staff Rebecca Sly and Amelia McGlinn are promoting thePlan B campaign that encourages patrons to get home safely this holiday season.
With Christmas and end-of-year gatherings already in full swing, it’s essential to remember if you’re enjoying celebratory drinks, you need to plan how to get home safely.

Throughout December and January, 26 venues across the Blue Mountains are participating in the Plan B campaign, an initiative of Transport for NSW (TfNSW), to encourage local patrons to make a Plan B to get home safely after drinking alcohol.

It’s an important reminder that drink driving is never an acceptable option. Your ability to drive or ride is impacted even with small amounts of alcohol in your system.

The Plan B campaign is run by TfNSW in partnership with Local Government Areas across Western NSW. This is the fourth year the Blue Mountains has participated, again supported by the Blue Mountains Liquor Accord. 

Blue Mountains City Council Mayor, Cr Mark Greenhill, said: “Planning how you’re going to get home safely before a night out is quick and easy, and can prevent serious crashes occurring.

“Your Plan B could be getting a lift or using a courtesy bus, or it might be staying at a friend’s house or catching a taxi or train.”

If you’re celebrating locally, patrons at participating hotels, clubs, bars and bottle shops can complete an entry form that asks what their Plan B for getting home safely is.

They then go in the draw to win a swag valued at over $250. Each of the 26 venues will have a swag to give away, with winners drawn towards the end of January, at a date chosen by each venue. 

Drink driving is one of the leading causes of death and injury on NSW roads. During the three years to 2021 in western NSW, there were 34 fatal crashes and 79 crashes resulting in serious injuries where alcohol was a contributing factor.

Regional and outer urban areas are at particular risk given limited public transport or other options for getting home.

“We’ve been a part of the Plan B campaign since it started in the Blue Mountains and I’ve seen a change since it started ­­– people are more responsible,” Carmel Blackburn, Owner of the Katoomba Family Hotel, said.

“We’re a community-based pub and people love it. They say, ‘swag time again, is it?’ when they see the posters up.”

The licenced venues and liquor stores across the Blue Mountains participating in the Plan B campaign are:

  • Gardners Inn Hotel (Blackheath)
  • New Ivanhoe Hotel (Blackheath)
  • Blackheath Golf and Community Club
  • The Bootlegger Bar (Katoomba)
  • The Katoomba Family Hotel
  • The Katoomba Family Hotel bottle shop
  • Station Bar & Woodfired Pizza (Katoomba)
  • Carrington Cellars & Deli (Katoomba)
  • BWS (Leura)
  • Grand View Hotel (Wentworth Falls)
  • Wentworth Falls Country Club
  • The Henry Hotel (Lawson)
  • Lawson Bowling Club
  • Cellarbrations (Lawson)
  • Hazelbrook Bowling & Sporting Club Co-operative Ltd.
  • Hazelbrook Cellars - The Bottle-O Hazelbrook
  • Chambers Cellars (Faulconbridge)
  • BWS (Springwood)
  • Springwood Country Club Ltd
  • Oriental Hotel (Springwood)
  • Royal Hotel (Springwood)
  • Chambers Cellars (Springwood)
  • Winmalee Tavern
  • The Lapstone Hotel
  • The Blaxland Tavern
  • Glenbrook Panthers

Police will also be out in force conducting Random Breath Testing (RBT) during the holiday season. Double Demerits will be in force from the 22 December to 1 January and 25 to 28 January 2024.

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