Blue Mountains News

Lithgow Council says ‘NO’ to Nuclear Power Plant

By Lithgow City Council
Archived 14 Aug 2024 - Posted: 14 Jun 2024
Natural Lithgow
Lithgow Council has pushed back against speculation that a nuclear power plant could be built in Lithgow.

The rumours flow from comments from the Federal Opposition that they would target communities with existing coal power stations for the placement of nuclear plants, if they were to be returned to government.

Lithgow Mayor, Maree Statham said, “More than four decades ago, this Council declared the city to be a nuclear free zone. This policy position remains in place.”  

“It is my intention to invite Peter Dutton to visit Lithgow and explain to this community why they should welcome a nuclear power plant in their backyard when no other community across Australia would do this. I will suggest that he also then speak to the more than 5 million people in Sydney who drink water that is sourced from the catchment where he would like to place nuclear power plants.”

Lithgow Council calls on all levels of government and all political parties to undertake significant investment and action in places like Lithgow to grow and strengthen their economies for a time when mining and power generation will be less significant.

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