Blue Mountains News

Blue Mountains National Park track closures due to predicted heavy rainfall

By NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Archived 10 Jul 2024 - Posted: 10 May 2024
Image by Adam from Pixabay

Please note the following closures of some walking tracks from 2pm today, Friday 10 May to 10am Monday 13 May 2024:

Katoomba Leura:

All valley tracks and cliff passes will be closed from 2pm today, Friday 10 May until 10am Monday 13 May due to forecast heavy rains and associated rockfall, landslide, treefall and flooding risks.

In addition to other closures, this includes; Shortridge Pass (off Lockleys Pylon) Federal Pass, Giant Stairway, Fern Bower Track, Amphitheatre Track, Dardanelles Pass, Furber Steps, Golden Stairs, Mt Solitary routes, Kedumba Pass, Ruined Castle Track, and the Katoomba Falls Round Walk.

Wentworth Falls:

All valley tracks and cliff passes will be closed from 2pm today, Friday 10 May until 10am Monday 13 May due to forecast heavy rains and associated rockfall, landslide, treefall and flooding risks.

In addition to other closures, this includes; Kedumba Pass and camping area, Valley of the Waters track below Nature Track intersection & Empress Canyon.

Blackheath, Medlow Bath and Bells Line of Road:

All valley tracks and cliff passes will be closed from 2pm today, Friday 10 May until 10am Monday 13 May due to forecast heavy rains and associated rockfall, landslide, treefall and flooding risks.

In addition to other closures, this includes; Grand Canyon track, Walls Cave track, Grose River tracks, Govetts Gorge tracks, Rodriguez Pass, Pierces Pass, Victoria Falls Track, Perrys Lookdown track, Horse Track, Shortridge Pass, Old Point Pilcher Route, Grand Canyon, Juggler Canyon and Acacia Flat camping area.

Adventure Recreation areas:

All canyons, abseiling and rock climbing areas that require entry or exit via closed tracks are also closed.

Adventure recreation users are advised to carefully consider activities, routes and access in consideration of predicted heavy rain conditions.      

See NPWS closures: here

or call the NPWS Heritage Centre, Blackheath: Ph: 02 4787 8877 daily 9:00am - 4:30pm

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