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Baltzer Lookout, Hanging Rock, Blackheath View

Hanging Rock, Blackheath

Burramoko Fire Trail to Baltzer Lookout and Hanging Rock

This is an easy ride (or walk) with several length options depending on fitness. The trail follows a mainly level fire trail until the last 100m of track, and is therefore suitable for all ages and experience.

With breathtaking scenic views, wild flowers and photo opportunities along the way, keen bush walkers won’t want to miss out either.

15.6km (return from Blackheath), with shorter options available.

Elevation Climb:


Time Suggested:
1 hour 30 mins return, plus lookout appreciation and exploration time. (Walk: 3-4 hours)

The Trail:

For a full 15km cycle or walk you can start in the town of Blackheath. Just park, or hop off the train at Blackheath Railway Station and head west along the Great Western Highway, then turn down Ridgewell Road on the right.

A short roll down Ridgewell Road will bring you to a carpark and from here on in there will be no vehicles to contend with. Continue through the gate and you'll soon start to enjoy immersing yourself in the Blue Mountains bush.

Burramoko Fire Trail is relatively flat with a couple of short steep inclines to test your strength. Travelling through heathland and open forests you'll have magnificent views on either side of the trail for most of your journey. This is a fire trail, so you'll have plenty of room all the way until the final gate just 100m from Baltzer Lookout which offers magnificent views of the Grose Valley.

You'll really want to spend some time to explore, so bring a chain and lock up your bike so you can relax and enjoy a potter around. The firetrail ends at a large clearing which is the perfect place to ditch the bike. Continue up the narrow, rough walking trail to another large clearing, then you'll find a rough and rocky path to Baltzer Lookout. From here you'll have magnificent view of the Grose Valley and the sheer sandstone cliffs that the Blue Mountains are famous for.

Hanging Rock is on the left and was harder to spot than expected. Baltzer Lookout and Hanging Rock are rough unfenced clifftops so extreme caution should be taken and children will need to be under supervision at all times. Hanging Rock is a large spire of sandstone that has split from cliff face and hangs precariously towards the valley. There are recent examples of landslips which can be seen from the lookout. This is a dangerous area. Remember - a selfie is not worth dying for.

Getting There:

Hanging Rock is located at Blackheath in the Blue Mountains National Park.

By Car

  • From the West: Travel through Mt Victoria on the Great Western Highway.
  • You'll come to Ridgewell Road before you enter the town of Blackheath so lookout for Blackheath Cemetery.
  • Turn left into Ridewell Road which is 2nd on the left after Blackheath Cemetery.
  • Follow Ridgewell Road to the locked gate where you'll find a small carpark and the beginning of Burramoko Fire Trail.
  • From the East: You can park in Blackheath town centre for a long ride/walk or ...
  • Continue along the Great Western Highway through Blackheath town centre and turn right into Ridgewell Road about 1km beyond Blackheath Railway Station.
  • Follow Ridgewell Road to the locked gate where you'll find a small carpark and the beginning of Burramoko Fire Trail.

By Train

  • Exit Blackheath Railway Station on the western side to access the Great Western Highway. Cross the highway at the traffic lights and turn left.
  • Walk or ride 1km in a westerly direction until you reach Ridgewell Road on the left.
  • Follow Ridgewell Road to the locked gate where you'll find a small carpark and the beginning of Burramoko Fire Trail.

Hanging Rock can be accessed by foot or mountain bike and is 8 kilometres from the carpark.

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