Churches - Religion
Springwood Baptist Church
Springwood Baptist Church is located on Macquarie Rd Springwood. Four services on Sunday and a variety of activities during the week. Formed on 24th February, 1957 with thirteen foundation members. Praise God for growing His church through the faithful witness of hundreds and hundreds of people. May God continue to use us as His instruments to reach our community!Location: Springwood
The Fire Hub
A community that Burns for Jesus
Hubs are regional Apostolic Centres that Equip the Saints, Bring the Body of Christ together, sustain united prayer and about spiritual transformation in a region.Location: Blaxland
Soma Blue Mountains
A community following Jesus. We are a church community spread across the Blue Mountains and Penrith. We believe the Way of Jesus is good news for...Location: Blaxland
Blaxland Uniting
Blaxland Uniting Church is a vibrant and diverse worshipping community that caters for a variety of worshipping styles. The church services reflect this, allowing you to...Location: Blaxland
Glenbrook Baptist Church
Glenbrook Baptist Church is an active and contemporary church situated in the lower Blue Mountains. GBC has a strong small group ministry with many groups meeting...Location: Glenbrook
St Hilda's Anglican Church
St Hilda's is at the top of Katoomba St, Katoomba and offers three services every Sunday. 8.30am A Traditional Communion Service. 10.30am A family friendly...Location: Katoomba
Blue Mountains City Church
Blue Mountains City Church has been pastored by Ps Kevin & Marilyn Brett since December 2007. Our Bible-based church exists to influence and serve the Mountains...Location: Mt Riverview
Anglican Churches Springwood
We are a church dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and loving our community. During the week we run a variety of services...Location: Springwood