Campbell Rhododendron Gardens in Blackheath

Campbell Rhododendron Gardens in Blackheath

A Garden Unique in the World



The Campbell Rhododendron Gardens, Blackheath, are approximately 2 hours from Sydney CBD, at the top of the Blue Mountains.

These unique Gardens are one of the Blue Mountains' most favourite venues, where Azaleas and Rhododendrons are planted amongst the native eucalypts and bushland.

The Gardens are picturesque all year round, especially in April with brilliant autumn colours. But Rhododendron and Azaleaa blooms are at their exotic spectacular best in spring, usually between late-September and mid-November.

Allow at least an hour to stroll though the easy walking tracks of these lovely Gardens. On a fine day, take a rug and your picnic basket down to the Valley and enjoy this stunning gem of the Blue Mountains with your family and friends. Dogs are allowed too, but must be on leads. Doggie-waste bags are available at the Information Kiosk (but please take them and any other rubbish away with you).

For 5-6 OPEN WEEKS only, from early-October to mid-November, the Lodge's Rhodo Tea Room offers the best Aussie Cream Teas in the Blue Mountains. Come along for a ramble through the stunning floral displays after tasting our delicious scones with jam and cream. [in 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions and your safety, we will 'Meet-and-Greet' at the Information Kiosk ONLY and sell our original Rhodo souvenirs, including the popular Calendar]

Admission is by a DONATION of $5.00 per person, in the blue-green Donation Box at the Information Kiosk in the Gardens.

How To Get Here..

Walking: from Blackheath Railway Station, cross the Highway at the pedestrian lights and before turning left, check our MAP directly in front of you in the hotel grounds. Walk up to Sturt Street and turn right. Take the first left to Wentworth Street and at the bottom, as it curves to the right into Bacchante Street, follow it to the end and you will be at the Entrance Gates iof the Gardens.

Driving: turn right off the Highway onto Hat Hill Road, turn left into Wentworth Street and follow the signs to the Gardens. The Entrance Gates are opened to vehicles from 9:00am all year round, and are locked at 6:00pm in spring and summer and at 4:00pm in autumn and winter. We are open at all times for pedestrian access, every day of the year. Coach Tour Buses must please park in the area to the right of the Entrance Gates, and allow their passengers to walk down the pathway into the Gardens.

Campbell Rhododendron Gardens in Blackheath

Phone: (02) 4787 8965

Address: Bacchante Street
Blackheath NSW 2785

Postal Address: PO Box 238
Blackheath NSW 2785

Email: Click here to send an email

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